Stuart has a proven track record over the past 25 years establishing, growing & optimising his own businesses. His passion is for developing people, teams and leaders to enable them to implement successful strategies.
Are you a C-suite executive, director or ambitious leader-to-be? Are you a driven, passionate and ambitious go-getter –but you know that your business results or career progression could be even better? I’m here to support you with my extensive business experience to improve your own effectiveness and impact, and help you maximise your and your teams’ performances.
You may be an INDIVIDUAL looking to turbo-charge your performance and career. You know you would benefit from non-judgemental support and you want to gain that 'unfair advantage' - the one that always seems to land with others.
Or you could be a BUSINESS that is, or desires to be a learning organisation investing in the on-going development of its people, by extension its results, and focussing on succession planning solutions.

Stuart is a qualified, experience Executive Coach with a specialism in the psychology and neuroscience of leadership and management. He is certified to conduct emotional intelligence assessments, with his feedback often providing ‘light-bulb moment’ coaching outcomes. Stuart’s business background combines with his coaching and mentoring to provide clients with a blend of skills, which, when experienced with his friendly style and flair for results, offers them a unique opportunity to create the best possible future.

Try Our Free Assessment Tools
These Scorecards have been designed to show entrepreneurs, and business leaders where their potential blind spots may be, and to provide instant, actionable steps on how to improve.
It’s free and only takes 2 minutes!
Stuart Colligon
My own career achievements have foundations in my ability to build and restructure teams, and my belief that anyone can shine if they are empowered to play to their strengths. I have established several businesses from scratch since 2005, which positions me well to offer Business Growth Mentoring to entrepreneurs also. Having been in commercial business leadership roles for the last couple of decades, I naturally specialise as a Leadership Coach and in leadership development, as well as supporting and developing the ambitious leaders-to-be of the future.